Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

McCorquodale, J. Alex

Second Advisor

Kura, Bhaskar

Third Advisor

La Motta, Enrique

Fourth Advisor

Georgiou, Ioannis


In 2004, a field sampling study was initiated along the southern shoreline area of Lake Pontchartrain in Jefferson Parish, specifically, around Bonnabel Canal (Pumping Station No.1) to identify the effect of urban stormwater discharges on Lake Pontchartrain and to simulate the plume patterns from the Bonnabel Canal. Sixteen sampling stations were selected along the south shore of Lake Pontchartrain. Under dry weather conditions Fecal Coliform values exceeded the limit of 200 MPN/100mL at 3 of 16 stations. Fecal Coliform counts were found to be "wet" weather-dependent and unsuitable for primary contact recreation for at least three to four days following a pumping/rain event. A 3-D Hydrodynamic Model (COHERENS) and the TECPLOT™ equation feature were used for the prediction of contaminant plumes from the Bonnabel Canal into the Lake Pontchartrain. The model verified the three day wet weather effect of stormwater discharges along the shoreline of the study area.


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