Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Curriculum & Instruction


Special Education and Habilitative Services

Major Professor

Linda Flynn-Wilson

Second Advisor

Kate Reynolds

Third Advisor

Paul Flynn-Wilson


The purpose of this study is to develop a deeper understanding of needs of parents of children with hearing loss during the crucial early years of a child’s life, to understand how those needs are met through birth-to-three Early Intervention programs, and to determine if parent identified needs align with the recommended practices for Early Intervention for children with hearing loss stated by the Division for Early Childhood (DEC) and the Joint Committee of Infant Hearing (JCIH). This study used a quasi-structured web-based survey with both closed and open-ended questions. Three themes emerged from this study: needs for supports for the parent, support for communication, and support for the child. Although parents’ felt that their needs were met in general, more than 70% of participants identified one or more unmet need. Additionally, parent needs aligned with the recommended practices, but there was a divergence between the reasonings or justifications of those needs between parents and the professional organizations. This study can support programs in ensuring that their programs are designed to meet the needs of specific families, further improving child outcomes through the birth-to-three Early Intervention process.


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