Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Earth and Environmental Sciences


Earth and Environmental Sciences

Major Professor

Dr. Robert Mahon

Second Advisor

Dr. Mark Kulp

Third Advisor

Dr. Madeline Foster-Martinez

Fourth Advisor

Dr. Ioannis Georgiou


Insights into transformative coastal processes are unlocked though understanding sediment transport mechanisms in fine-grained delta front environments. Movement of fine-grained sediments on delta fronts is not wholly explained through advection settling models. While advection settling models generally assume deposition into a still body, numerical modeling of sediment re-entrainment suggests there may be tidal, wave, and/or non-steady hydrograph influences allowing particles to reach greater distances by altering the decelerating velocity field. This research explores both an advection settling model and a mass conservation Rouse profile model to understand the irreducible delta front processes controlling sediment deposition. Using field data collected on the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, USA, the irreducible processes of a fluvially dominated delta are quantified to understand the influences of riverine and coastal processes.


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