Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film and Theatre


Film and Theatre

Major Professor

Kalo Gow

Second Advisor

David Hoover

Third Advisor

John Neisler


Rejection is a part of human existence. This is especially true in the world of art. The following is a case-study that documents the trial-and-error process by which I accepted the challenge of portraying a character 30 years my senior and in my opinion the least substantial and meaningful role within the ensemble of the play “Stupid Fucking Bird”; the result of this study led to the discovery of the truth that serious growth as an actor comes not from the external acknowledgement of peers but from the internal effort produced by the actor. This work is examined through the physical, psychological, historical, and philosophical theories amalgamated throughout the course of two semesters that culminated in what I believe to be my successful attempt to breathe important life into a what I believe to be a one-note character. As an additional note, this document demonstrates my process in real time. Many of the early sections may come across as bitter and while I have kept those sections largely intact, they only serve to reflect my change in attitude over time as a way of reflecting the result of peace and understanding I was able to reach by the end.


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