Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Creative Writing



Major Professor

Johnson, Barbara

Second Advisor

Walsh, Milton O'Neal Jr.

Third Advisor

Rutledge, Bruce


In “The Void,” a town is driven to violence when their nefarious wishing-well threatens to swallow them all. In “Love Struck,” Jenny finds love with a man who has an unusual physical deformity. In “Epicene Creek,” Ryan meets his girlfriend’s family, but discovers they have some strange ideas about marriage and family. In “Transformation,” a lucky woman spontaneously molts into a socially desirable blue reptile. In “Folk Medicine,” Shell takes alternative medicine home to her abusive husband. In “Nail in the Coffin,” a woman wars with an unidentified thief over missing Halloween decorations. In “The Disappearance,” Doug investigates a monster from his childhood after another boy goes missing. In “The Secrets of Glass,” Evander learns the craft of glassmaking, but has self-serving plans for this knowledge. In “Under His Skin,” Thurman struggles to care for his ill and temperamental grandmother and befriends a neighbor who is not what she seems.


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Available for download on Thursday, May 27, 2027

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Fiction Commons
