Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Benjamin Samuel

Second Advisor

Atriya Sen

Third Advisor

Tamjidul Hoque


Grief can encompass more than just the loss of real-life people. It can be felt with the loss of a pet, changes in daily structure, and even the loss of video game characters. The topic of grief related to video games and video game characters comes at a time when games as a service (GaaS) continue to increase in popularity and the phenomenon where these games also inevitably terminate service. To combat this unique form of grief, the Character LINK System was created as a tool that uses simple natural language processing (NLP) techniques to offer support to the bereaved by way of a shared roleplaying experience that is noninvasive but still therapeutic and allows the bereaved to begin to heal. Users of the system expressed being interested even in topics or games they’d never known about previously and a willingness to connect with the bereaved in their grief.


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