Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Earth & Environmental Science


Earth and Environmental Sciences

Major Professor

Dr. Mark Kulp

Second Advisor

Dr. Robert Mahon

Third Advisor

Dr. Brad Robison


This study was conducted in upper and lower Madison Bay as well as Lake Boudreaux in Terrebonne basin located in southcentral Louisiana. This region is part of the recently abandoned Lafourche delta complex (0.6-0.8 kyr). Much of coastal Louisiana is comprised of formerly active delta complexes of the Mississippi River that have undergone subsequent reworking. As more restoration actions are being considered to combat land loss in coastal Louisiana, exploring the framework of a recently abandoned delta complex could aid in these plans. Utilizing core descriptions and CHIRP seismic data, facies analysis was performed to produce cross sections that display the recent depositional history within the region. The facies described construct the profile of a regionally transgressive abandoned delta complex. Growth fault interaction with the shallow stratigraphy was not noted within these three study areas, however, the morphological effects of an abandoned delta complex were observed in each study area.


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Geomorphology Commons
