Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film and Theatre


Film and Theatre

Major Professor

Kevin Griffith

Second Advisor

Diane Baas

Third Advisor

Henry Griffin


In Justin Maxwell's theatrical works, the stasis and stagnation of central characters are importantly made materially evident through costuming. For instance, in the play, Marie Antoinette's Head, the stagnation of civilization and society is explored while time zigzags over two thousand years. The movement of time and epochs is told through a colorful array of costumes, also indicating the growth and evolution of characters in each period. The protagonist, Leonardo, however, remains stuck in 1793. In another of Maxwell's works, the one-man, one-act play Exhausted Paint, the painter Vincent Van Gogh experiences a similar inert characterization. In both works, the costumes are essential to represent the static nature of the characters while also highlighting the change and comedy surrounding them.


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