Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Earth & Environmental Science


Earth and Environmental Sciences

Major Professor

Ioannis Georgiou

Second Advisor

Mark Kulp

Third Advisor

Mike Miner


High energetic storms import sediment to back-barrier bays and marshes and produce a perennial footprint that contributes to the long-term evolution of the inner shelf, bays, and marsh platform. The magnitude of sedimentation in back-barrier bays and marshes varies with storm characteristics (e.g., storm intensity, forward speed, size, and track). However, quantifying the impacts of storm characteristics on the sediment exchange between the inner shelf, bays, and marshes and documenting the resulting net sediment import and export patterns across these interfaces remains largely unexplored. Here we applied a calibrated Delft3D hydrodynamics and sediment transport model to a microtidal bay-marsh complex in the central coast of Louisiana. The study quantifies the contributions of a suite of storms with varying storm characteristics to evaluate resulting sediment exchange volumes and assess bay/marsh sediment deposition. Model results show that storm forward speed and intensity are the chief and dominant storm characteristics that control sediment exchange between the inner shelf – bay – marsh environments, while other storm characteristics like storm size and track play a secondary role. Finally, shelf – bay – marsh sediment exchange volumes correlate non-linearly with storm intensity and forward speed.


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Available for download on Tuesday, December 16, 2025
