Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Matthew Scalco

Second Advisor

Yuliya Kotelnikova

Third Advisor

Christopher Harshaw


Substance use (SU) affects many people worldwide and is an important public health concern. Personality has been theorized to play a crucial role in the development and maintenance of SU. To test how personality is related to patterns of SU, a latent profile analysis was used to cluster individuals into SU classes with multinomial logistic regression used to test the relationship between personality and patterns of SU. Results suggested that polysubstance use was common, with variations in primary substance of choice among classes. As classes became more inclusive of more substances, they increased in psychopathological personality traits. Higher domains of personality traits were used to predict the classes while the least severe SU class was used as a referent. Results indicated that each domain of personality and facet level traits had an effect on the SU classes. Facet level traits are more so affected when considering levels of polysubstance use.


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