Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Tracey A Knaus

Second Advisor

Roberto Refinetti

Third Advisor

Matthew Scalco


Language deficits are associated with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) but the relation between language skills, corpus callosum (CC), and language connectivity has been underexplored. Interhemispheric connectivity between the inferior frontal gyrus and posterior superior temporal gyrus, and the arcuate fasciculus (AF) were examined in 54 children with ASD and 49 typically developing (TD) children, 3-17 years. There was leftward asymmetry of the AF, but not in children with ASD and impaired language. The severely impaired language group had reduced integrity of the AF relative to children with moderately or no impaired language. Language pathway integrity was associated with better language in ASD and TD. CC volume was associated with pathway integrity in TD children but not in ASD. Results suggest that the severely impaired language group may differ from other ASD subgroups and that the CC may play a different role in language organization in ASD versus typical development.


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Available for download on Monday, April 10, 2028
