Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Degree Program
Urban Studies
Planning and Urban Studies
Major Professor
Gladstone, David; Mosterman, Andrea
Second Advisor
Dupont, Lynn
The site known as Spanish Fort, which lies in crumbling ruins along the shore of New Orleans’ Bayou St. John, is most often remembered as a colonial military site. However, for the last two centuries, since the end of the Civil War, it has played another important role in the city’s history, as a site of recreation. It served a crucial role in shaping racial relationships and debates over public rights in the city, one tied intimately to the shifting nature of the city’s physical geography. Through analysis of historical records and archaeology of the site, and utilizing theories of public rights, geography, and memory, this paper uncovers this lost history of Spanish Fort as a contested, racialized space of recreation in which negotiations over public rights played out in a spatial microcosm, as well as the processes which have acted to bury these important stories, both literally and metaphorically.
Recommended Citation
Danton, J. Bob, "New Orleans’ Spanish Fort After the Civil War: Reconstructing a Lost Historical Geography of Racialization and Contested Space" (2023). University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. 3120.
Included in
Historic Preservation and Conservation Commons, Human Geography Commons, Leisure Studies Commons, Other Geography Commons, Race and Ethnicity Commons, Urban Studies Commons, Urban Studies and Planning Commons
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