Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Engineering and Applied Science - Math



Major Professor

Linxiong Li

Second Advisor

Xiaochuan Yu

Third Advisor

Xueyan Liu

Fourth Advisor

Satish Bastola

Fifth Advisor

Navid Salehy


Subsea pipelines are a cost-effective and reliable way to transport hydrocarbons in offshore oil and gas development. However, dropped objects can pose hazards and cause damage to pipelines. This dissertation briefly introduces the hazards and hidden dangers caused by dropped containers, discusses motion simulation methods for different object shapes, and reviews risk assessment procedures for handling dropped objects in offshore operations. Ongoing research at the University of New Orleans' towing tank on dropped container models is also discussed. Using ANSYS Fluent, we simulate trajectories of container models and calculate relevant hydrodynamic coefficients for different dropped angles. We then apply risk assessment to the container models and use R software to construct prediction models for landing locations. Finally, we draw conclusions based on our findings.


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