Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Counselor Education


Counselor Education

Major Professor

Dr. Christopher Belser

Second Advisor

Dr. Anabel Mifsud

Third Advisor

Dr. Kimberly Reynolds


This Narrative inquiry explored psychology students’ perceptions of self-awareness interventions and wellness training in undergraduate psychology coursework. Participants included seven undergraduate psychology majors who completed a psychology health and wellness course in the Fall 2023 semester at a regional university in the Southeast. Semi-structured interviews were conducted and examined to identify themes in the students’ stories regarding their journeys through the wellness course. The use of reflexive thematic analysis helped determine the following five overarching themes from the data: Roadmap for Navigating Wellness, Group Experience, Newfound Insight, Personal Growth and Transformations, and Moving Forward. The results of this study highlighted the importance of self-awareness and wellness in aspiring Mental Health Practitioners.


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