Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Counselor Education


Counselor Education

Major Professor

Wade, Michelle

Second Advisor

Belser, Christopher

Third Advisor

Watson, Zarus


Mental Health Rehabilitation (MHR) is a widely utilized community mental health service in Louisiana for low-income families. However, treatment adherence, including caregiver engagement for minor clients, is often low. There is still limited understanding of the barriers to caregiver engagement and few tools to assess these barriers and engagement behaviors. Clinicians, caregivers, and clients currently engaged in MHR services completed a modified version of the Parent Involvement Project Questionnaire (PIPQ) to determine if this scale and its associated theory, the Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler Model of Parental Involvement (2005), can be used in a mental health counseling format to assess for caregiver engagement in counseling. Reliability scores using Cronbach's alpha were examined to determine whether the PIPQ maintains similar reliability values to the original survey. Independent T-tests were also conducted to examine differences in clinician ratings from the caregivers and clients. Hierarchical and simple regression analyses were run to determine how caregiver beliefs and perceptions impact their involvement behaviors and their child's perceptions of these behaviors. Patterns emerged in the data that indicated that the modified PIPQ was a reliable measure of caregiver engagement and that clinicians often rated caregivers and clients higher on this measure than they rated themselves. Several caregiver beliefs and perceptions about their engagement also showed interactions with their forms of engagement behaviors and their child’s perception of these behaviors. Responses to calls for participants also indicated barriers to MHR and other community agencies participating in research studies that warrant future study.


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