Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Creative Writing



Major Professor

John Gery

Second Advisor

Carolyn Hembree

Third Advisor

Juyanne James


The poems in Between Return and the Next Line examine how the trauma experienced by the parents produces similar psychological consequences exhibited by their offspring. The collection is of a lyrical and narrative quality as poems ruminate on issues of identity, belonging, family dynamics, mental health, sickness, religion, passage of time, language, art, and refugee/immigrant experiences. Poems are written in a range of structures from formal to experimental (sonnet, sestina, pantoum, ghazal, haiku, concrete, hybrid, and free verse). Recurring motifs include water, ghosts, screams, echoes, reflections, photographs, and doors.


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Available for download on Saturday, April 14, 2029

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Poetry Commons
