Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Degree Program
Civil Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Major Professor
Dr Gianna Cothren
Second Advisor
Dr Satish Bastola
Third Advisor
Dr Tonja Koob-Marking
A massive $2B settlement between the Federal Government and the City of New Orleans to remediate the damage to municipal infrastructure from Hurricane Katrina and the failed USACE levee system required the repair of roughly 400 of 1600 miles of roadways in New Orleans. The mandated repairs included many subsurface utilities below those roads. Traditional engineering construction project management practices proved inadequate to manage such a massive undertaking on the strict timelines mandated by FEMA funding. Unprecedented volumes of work for the engineering and construction industries and the government agencies tasked with performing the work from design through construction revealed the inefficiencies of traditional work processes. Implementation of an industry best practices cloud-based multi-tenant engineering construction project management platform radically improved contractor invoice processing times. Calculated key performance indicators confirm efficiency gains using the platform. Additional gains in efficiencies will be realized if platform development and use is continued.
Recommended Citation
Munger, Martin C., "Transmission Main Construction Management - An Assessment of Project Tracking During Transition to a Cloud Based System" (2024). University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. 3198.
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