Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Branko Jursic

Second Advisor

Mark Trudell

Third Advisor

Pheobe Zito


This study focuses on investigating modified anti-inflammatory compounds and their potential cytotoxic effects on Glioblastoma cell lines. Three compounds, DJ14, DJ21, and DJ291, were the primary compounds of interest. All three compounds conformed with Lipinski’s rule of five, suggesting favorable pharmacokinetics. The IC50 for LN-229 treated with DJ14, 21, and 291 are 5.097 µM, 3.229 µM, and 0.9656 µM. These values are substantially lower than the FDA-approved chemotherapeutic drug for Glioblastoma Multiforme, Temozolomide. From the three compounds, DJ291, a modified aspirin analog effect on mTOR signaling pathway was investigated via related proteins: pAMPK, p-P70S6k, and p62. The presence of p62 bands insinuated that DJ291 may inhibit autophagy, but the absence of cleaved caspase3 bands means that apoptosis is not the targeted cell death. Future studies aim to optimize HPLC detection, in vivo route of administration and dosage, and determine the mechanism of action for DJ291.


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Available for download on Thursday, November 15, 2029
