Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Degree Program
Creative Writing
Major Professor
Juyanne James
Second Advisor
Doreen Piano
Third Advisor
Bruce Rutledge
Fragments of Fire is a collection of non-fiction, memoir, and opinion essays that navigate themes of gender and societal issues, coming-of-age, generational dynamics, death, and the natural environment. Through an intricate blend of introspection, keen observation, and literary analysis, these essays offer insight into the transformative journey from girlhood to womanhood as experienced by a young Latina. This collection provides a resonant voice that bridges personal narrative with broader cultural and existential questions.
Recommended Citation
Palacios, Valerie Rose, "Fragments of Fire: Essays on Womanhood, Family, and Environment" (2024). University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. 3219.
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