Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Weems, Carl

Second Advisor

Frick, Paul


This paper examined the links between selective attention, memory bias, interpretive bias, and anxiety problems in a community sample of 81 children (38 females) aged 9-17 years. Cognitive biases were assessed using a word and picture Dot Probe Discrimination task to assess selective attention, a memory task to assess a memory bias, and the CNCEQ to assess interpretive bias. Childhood anxiety was assessed using the parent and child versions of the RCMAS and RCADS. Significant associations were found between the three cognitive biases and childhood anxiety problems. In addition, selective attention was found to be associated with the selective abstraction subscale of the CNCEQ. The results did not support the mediation of selective attention and interpretive bias by memory bias. Finally, the results supported a cognitive model that posited that interpretive bias may be predictive of childhood anxiety problems beyond what is predicted by selective attention and memory bias.


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