Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Gibb, Bruce

Second Advisor

Wang, Guijun

Third Advisor

Trudell, Mark

Fourth Advisor

Rick, Steven


As a first step to producing a shape selective catalysts or enzyme mimic, two preorganized host molecules were synthesized. Binding studies of the two hosts with a variety of guests in three solvents demonstrated that an important driving force in the association was the formation of C-H???X-R hydrogen bonds (X = halogen). A deuterated host was utilized to further examine the formation of the C-H???X-R hydrogen bonds. In an effort to place functionality in the hydrophobic pocket of these hosts, two methods were developed. The first utilized directed ortho metallation to place electrophiles above and/or directed into the cavity. Perlithiation of the host could lead to sixty-nine products but reaction conditions and host rigidity limited product formation. This reaction technique led to the placement of carboxylic acid groups onto the host and the isolation of twelve products. Two different positions of the carboxylic acids (endoand exo-) direct the orientation of the guest. 1D- and 2D-NMR were utilized to examine how the was orientated inside the host. The second method employed to place functionality on the host, sited a tripodal zinc binding ligand on the side of the hydrophobic pocket of the host. The synthesized host was able to bind zinc strongly and in a 1:1 manner.


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