Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Daniel, Jill

Second Advisor

La Hoste, Gerald

Third Advisor

King, Bruce M.


The current study compared the impact of different paradigms of estradiol replacement on working memory performance. In adult ovariectomized rats, a vehicle-treated control group (n=10) was compared to three estradiol replacement paradigms: 1) continuous delivery via Silastic capsules (n=8); 2) cyclic replacement via two 10 ìg injections on two out of every four days (n=10); 3) cyclic replacement via one 2 ìg injection every four days (n=10). While treatment continued, animals were tested over 24 days in the 8-arm radial maze. After this acquisition period, various delay times were introduced between 4th and 5th arm choices. Treatments had no effects during acquisition or delay trials of 1 min, 10 min, and 3 hours. However, when a 5-hour delay was imposed, rats receiving estradiol via implants outperformed all other groups. These results indicate that long-term continuous estradiol replacement is more effective in enhancing working memory performance than the tested cyclic paradigms.


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