Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Sieg, Jerry

Second Advisor

Taylor, Charles

Third Advisor

Williams, Robin


Möbius: for Orchestra attempts to explore an alternative use of the material that typically appears in the development section of a piece composed in sonata form. By using the modified themes in the recapitulation rather than disregarding them entirely, the A-B-A' form of the basic sonata becomes more of an A-B-(A'+B'). Much like the mathematical function this piece is named after – a loop whose ending is never identical to its beginning and whose mirror-image lacks symmetry – the listener is brought to a new ending with familiar, non-repeated material. Many times throughout the piece, the listener will hear up to three tonal centers at once, though differences in range, color, texture and dynamics give the effect of a single tonal center with a certain amount of unease. Ostinatos and long notes also help to dissuade the ear from settling on a comfortable sound, ending with uncertainty, much like it began.


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