Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program



Film, Theatre, and Communication Arts

Major Professor

French, Anthony

Second Advisor

Karnell, Phillip

Third Advisor

Daniel, Debra


This study is an informative discussion on the history behind Walt Disney's film, Song of the South, based on the Uncle Remus tales originally written by Joel Chandler Harris, which will be addressed in Chapter One. Chapter Two elaborates on the methods within the vehicles of two distinct media versions in two different time periods as the problematic source of perception. Chapter Three relates why this is due to cultural sensitivities pertaining to the film and the suggested media guidelines by minority organizations that have gained power since the Civil Rights movement. Chapter Four discusses the historical data showing the transition of folklore that was not indigenous to North America, but an oral tradition carried from the heart of Africa. Chapter Five will present the Analysis and Discussion of the cultural and economic ramifications surrounding this particular folklore to be followed by a review of the information in the conclusion.


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