Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Environmental Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Kura, Bhaskar;

Second Advisor

Barbe, Donald

Third Advisor

McManis, Kenneth


This study was aimed at understanding the environmental performance of two abrasives, coal slag and garnet which are commonly used by shipyards and many other industries in surface preparation of metallic surfaces. Environmental performance evaluated in this study included, (1) productivity (ft2/hr), (2) consumption and or used-abrasive generation rate (ton/2000 ft2; lb/ ft2), (3) particulate emission factors (mg/ft2; mg/lb; lb/lb; lb/kg; lb/ton). In order to achieve the study objectives, an emission test facility was built and necessary equipment and materials were procured. Blasting was performed on rusted steel panels inside the test facility and emissions were measured using EPA Source Test Method to quantify particulate emissions. By measuring the area cleaned, blasting time, and the abrasive consumed, environmental performance of coal slag and garnet was evaluated. Simple mathematical models were developed to predict performance based on feed rate and blast pressure. Garnet was observed to be more productive, less consuming, and more environmentally-friendly compared to coal slag. These study findings will valuable in reducing costs, improving productivity, and protecting the environment.


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