Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban Studies


School of Urban and Regional Studies

Major Professor

Brooks, Jane; Ehrenfeucht, Renia

Second Advisor



The Thomas County Courthouse is 148 years old and is need of renovation. Special legal regulations require security upgrades, and doing so would compromise the architectural integrity of both the interior and exterior of the courthouse. The citizens of Thomas County have chosen to build a multipurpose judicial building to relieve the pressures and needs for security and space while renovating the historic courthouse to serve as a depository of its historical document. Within the context of preservation, the Thomas County Courthouse serves as an example of how a community can preserve the architecture of the building and keep this public building functioning and relevant to both the commercial district it borders and to the community it serves, and maintain its use as a public building which serves all and excludes none.


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