Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor

Saucedo, Christopher

Second Advisor

Hayes, Cheryl

Third Advisor

Jenkens, A. Lawrence


In the work I am presenting for my thesis exhibition I have culled the rich fantasies and experiences of my childhood and re-contextualized specific bits of those through the filters of adulthood, experience and education. The central work in this exhibition is a series of sculptures titled Self-Portrait as Bunnies. In each of these works I present adult-sized and adult-featured versions of myself in child-like poses. This thesis will primarily be involved in examining this series and will do so in two ways. First by introducing the works -- what they are, how they are made, the evolution of ideas from one to another -- and second by looking at the larger themes in the series - both inherent and suggested. To properly locate the self-portraits, an examination will also be made of the work made prior to and concurrently with them.


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