Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Gabrisch, Heike

Second Advisor

Fang, Jiye

Third Advisor

Stokes, Kevin


Highly ordered mesoporous MCM-41 silica particles with several morphologies have been synthesized in an alkaline solution using cationic amphiphilic surfactant CTAB as template. The size and the morphology were controlled by varying the reaction temperature and time or by controlling the crystallization process of silica. The characterization results showed that highly ordered mesoporous particles were obtained, which had smooth surface, controllable size and high thermal stability. Germanium semiconductor clusters were encapsulated into hexagonal MCM-41 nanoparticles with a uniform pore size around 500nm via three different synthesis routes (H2 reduction, Vapor phase epitaxy and Na-Naphthalene reduction). Crucial parameters and experimental skills were discovered for reproducibly preparation in each system. It is found that H2 reduction method can effectively load Ge nanoparticles into the pores of MCM41. A series of experiments were performed in the system for a more thorough understanding of the synthesis process.


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