Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Greve, Kevin

Second Advisor

LaHoste, Gerald J.

Third Advisor

Weems, Carl

Fourth Advisor

Williams-Brewer, Mary

Fifth Advisor

Bianchini, Kevin J.


The present study included three traumatic brain injury (TBI) groups (good effort mild TBI, poor effort mild TBI, and good effort moderate/severe TBI) and two neurologic control groups (dementia and unilateral left hemisphere stroke). Language impairment was examined using the following measures: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-III Verbal Comprehension Index and the Vocabulary, Similarities, Information, and Comprehension subtests; the Boston Naming Test; the Phonemic and Semantic cue conditions of the Controlled Oral Word Association Test; the Auditory Comprehension subtest of the Cognistat; Wide Range Achievement Test-3 Reading subtest; and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test. When effort was controlled, there was a significant effect of injury severity on language impairment. Poor effort and diagnosable malingering were responsible for most of the neuropsychological test evidence of language impairment in mild TBI.


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