Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film, Theatre & Communication Arts


Film, Theatre, and Communication Arts

Major Professor

Boyden, Amanda

Second Advisor

Boyden, Joseph

Third Advisor

Lavender, William


Four strangers are stranded in an old farmhouse by a winter storm. Gilley lives on the farm. Shadows move of their own volition on the farm, and Gilley talks to echoes and sees the dead reflected in mirrors. Gilley's husband, Frank, disappeared over forty years ago. Jason is a college student who seeks Gilley out for an interview. He agrees to help Gilley find Frank. Jesse is a young boy who finds his way to the house after an accident. August is a private investigator whom Jason calls for help in finding Frank. August does not have a shadow nor a reflection of his own, and he can't remember how he lost them. Each wants something that only the others can provide, but each wants to keep their own secrets.


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