Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Degree Program
Urban Studies
School of Urban Planning and Regional Studies
Major Professor
Hirsch, Arnold
Second Advisor
Nelson, Marla
Third Advisor
Ehrenfeucht, Renia
Unlike major cities across the country, New Orleans did not have the power to expropriate property to engage in urban renewal projects after 1954. Yet city officials desperately sought to meet the ends of urban renewal, specifically through public claims of slum clearance and private motivation to speed along neighborhood segregation. Hamstrung in their efforts to move forward with taking residents' homes for private redevelopment, the city worked to reach its urban renewal goals by taking property for public works projects, including public housing. The city's decision to build the Guste and Fischer housing projects represents a case study of how officials, including Mayor deLesseps Morrison, the City Planning Commission, and the Housing Authority of New Orleans, worked together to create a more racially separate city in the age of Brown v. Board of Education.
Recommended Citation
Slates, Stephanie L., ""To Clear a Rock-Bottom, Low-Density Slum": Using Public Housing Means to Meet Urban Renewal Ends in New Orleans, 1954-1959" (2008). University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. 665.
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