Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film, Theatre & Communication Arts


Film, Theatre, and Communication Arts

Major Professor

Barton, Fredrick

Second Advisor

Leake, Joanna

Third Advisor

Boyden, Amanda


Evolution of a Smart Girl is a collection of short stories that chronicles the evolution of the modern American female. The stories are arranged in three parts: "Dirty Barbie & Breakable Boys" focuses on adolescent relationships between boys and girls; "Some Things Can't Be Unbroken" centers on Maggie and Charlie Copper's marriage after Maggie is diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of twenty-five; and "Of Apples and Broken Scabs" presents four stories about four very different women who experience heartbreak in love, friendship, and lust. This work explores the ways in which a girl's interactions with others shape her into the young woman she becomes. Through same-sex friendships, romantic relationships, and sibling rivalries, the women in these stories experience intellectual and sexual awakenings.


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Available for download on Sunday, August 15, 2027
