Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Jenkins, Pamela

Second Advisor

Laska, Shirley

Third Advisor

Adeola, Francis


This extended case study examines the appropriateness of using Participatory Action Research (PAR) in a small, marginalized coastal community at risk to natural hazards. PAR is a method of conducting high-quality research to support the social change goals of diverse cultural and ethnic communities, especially as they relate to community involvement, democracy, emancipation, and liberation (Lindsey and McGuinness (1998). PAR is not the typical research methodology for hazards research. The community's goal was to "Save our heritage and our land". They consisted of 75-80 members who primarily make their living by seafood extraction. This community has experienced social oppression and environmental events associated with living in a coastal Louisiana community. Findings suggest that PAR has its limitations, however, it does appear to be a useful research method for residents, researchers and those who want a more respectful, empowering, ground up approach to multi-user learning and social change.


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