Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Urban and Regional Planning


Planning and Urban Studies

Major Professor

Renne, John

Second Advisor

Haughey, Patrick

Third Advisor

Brooks, Jane


This study attempts to find a correlation between commuting modes in Washington DC and characteristics of the city and the people that they serve. It investigates why some census tracts have experienced increases in the commuting share of alternative transportation, such as public transit, walking, and bicycling, while others haven't. Findings demonstrate that demographic variables such as percent Hispanic and foreign born were the strongest predictors of change in commute mode share followed by distance to train station. Land use variables demonstrated weak correlations with variations in mode share due most likely to a lack of density gradient within the study area. The creation of variables to determine land use mix by census tract posed technical challenges as well. Recommendations include policy addressing rising demand for more diverse transportation systems be implemented and further research be conducted on creating more accurate land use variables to include in the model.


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