Dissertations from 2009
Exploring Bilingual Arab-American Students' Performance in Solving Mathematics Word Problems in Arabic and English, Samar El-Rifai Sarmini
Why Do They Talk That Way?: Teachers' Perceptions of the Language Young Students Bring into the Classroom, Julie Smith-Price
The Relationship between Supervisors' Power Bases and Supervisory Styles, Hideyuki Tanaka
Experiences of Black Women who Persist to Graduation at Predominantly White Schools of Nursing, Francine Simms Thomas
Investigating Teachers' Perspectives on the Impact of the Lesson Study Process on Their Mathematical Content Knowledge, Pedagogical Knowledge, and the Potential for Student Achievement, Thomas David Wright Jr.
Dissertations from 2008
The Impact of Hurricane Katrina on Public School Counselors and their Delivery of Responsive Services, Charles Arlene Collins "Sundy" Barjon
Quality in Education: Perspectives Regarding Baldrige-based Practices and Instructional Leadership in Middle Schools, Felicia Maria Vaughn Coleman
A Holistic Assessment of the Perceived Supportive Care Needs of Cancer Patients during Treatment, Robert B. Gardner
Beyond Katrina, Designing A Unique Charter School In New Orleans: Community, Pedagogy, Governance, Finance, and Bureaucracy, Patricia Glaser
The Use, Beliefs, Perceived Barriers, and Methods of Delivery of Play Therapy by Elementary School Counselors, Christine Holbrook Ebrahim
Experiencing Higher Education in Louisiana through a Native American Lens, Linda Kelly
Counselors' Perceptions of Training, Theoretical Orientation, Cultural and Gender Bias, and Use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV-Text Revision, Micah Patureau-Hatchett
An Investigation of the Relationships Between the Scoring Rubrics Inventory and the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory as Reported by Secondary School Core-Subject Teachers, Paula Marie Pucheu
College Leadership Programs and Citizenship Development: Preparing Students to be Agents of Social Change, Pamela Vrana Rault
School Counselors' Perceptions of Their Academic Preparation in their Roles as Professional School Counselors, Libby Ann Schayot
Association of Fat Oxidation and Insulin Resistance in Prepubertal Children, Connie VanVrancken Tompkins
Understanding the Integrative Role of an Academic Library for Undergraduate Student Workers, Charles W. Weston
Dissertations from 2007
The Impact of Louisiana INTECH Professional Development on Elementary School Leaders' Perceptions of Change and Student Achievement, Sheryl Abshire
Risk, Resilience, and Success in College for Students with Vision Disabilities, Rose Angelocci
Applying Logic Modeling to the Higher Education Accreditation Process, Kenneth Frank Bolden
Implementing Peer Coaching in a State Funded Pre-Kindergarten Program: An Autoethnography, Darilyn Mercadel Butler
Exploring the Assessment Aspect of Differentiated Instruction: College EFL Learners' Perspectives on Tiered Performance Tasks, Yeh-uh Hsueh Chen
The Lived Experiences of Immigrant Arab Muslim Women in the United States: Implications for Counselors and Other Helping Professionals, Iman En-Nabut
The Role of Critical and Collaborative Reflection with Experienced Teachers (via a Discussion Board) in the Professional Development of Novice Teachers, Bridgt Foss Hagan
Counselor Educators' Perceptions of their Doctoral Level Teaching Preparation, Stephanie F. Hall
Exploring an Monolingual English - Speaking Teacher's Perceptions of Classroom Interventions to Foster Hispanic English Language Learners' Primary Language, Alexandra Joan Herques
Relationships Of Self-Efficacy, Exercise, Social Support To Strain And Burnout In University Faculty, Mark P. Kelly
An Investigation of Factors Identified By Novice Teachers That Influence Performance on Standardized Assessments and Teacher Performance, Donna Odom LaCaze
The Perspectives of Male Inmates Regarding Their K-12 Educational Experiences, Shannon Paul LaFargue
Counselors' Perceptions of Identity and Attitudinal Differences Between Counselors and Other Mental Health Professionals, Latifey B. LaFleur
Louisiana INTECH Professional Development: Middle School Administrators' Perceptions of Change as Related to Student Achievement, Diane R. Mason
Motivational Factors Underlying College Students' Decisions to Resume Their Educational Pursuits in the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Theresa M. Phillips
National Board Certification and School Leadership in Louisiana, Kathleen A. Severns
Reducing the Rate of Recidivism for First-Time Juvenile Offenders with the Parent Monitoring Program, PMP: A Family Counseling Intervention Program, Rhonda C. Vappie-Aydin
The Relationship Between Alexithymia, Wellness, and Substance Dependence, Benjamin J. Warner
Novice Special Education Teachers' Experiences with Students with Disabilities from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds: The Effects of Perceptions on Interactions, Sassy Cenita Wheeler
Dissertations from 2006
Rites of Passage: The Role of Induction in the Enculturation of Beginning Teachers, Linda Blakley
A Comparison of Body Composition between Eumenorrheic and Amenorrheic Adolescent Cross-Country Runners, Marc Bonis
African-American Parents' Perceptions of Play, Counseling, and Play Therapy, Kristy Alaine Brumfield
The Efficacy of Peer Review in Improving E.S.L. Students' Online Writing, Kathryn Fiddler Butcher
White Faculty at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Kimya Dawson-Smith
Social Supports Among Parents of Children Recently Diagnosed with Autism: Comparisons between Mothers and Fathers, Aaron Deris
Exploration of the Socialization Process of Female Leaders in Counselor Education, Lea Randle Flowers
Factors Influencing Intent to Stay of Nursing Faculty in Selected Schools of Nursing in Sixteen States within the Southern Region, Debbie Garbee
Voices Behind Bars: Correctional Education from the Perspective of the Prisoner Student, Renee Hall
Effects of Cooperative Learning on Motivation, Learning Strategy Utilization, and Grammar Achievement of English Language Learners in Taiwan, Hui-Chuan Liao
Stakeholders' Perceptions of the Value of Elementary School Counselor Roles, Gerra Wellman Perkins
Periodontists' Ability to Self-Assess their Knowledge of Periodontics, A. Margarita Saenz
Where to Play?: How Student-Athletes Perceive the College Choice Process, Arrianna Smith
Guided Imagery's Effects on the Mathematics Teaching Efficacy of Elementary Preservice Teachers, Lisa Sullivan
Dissertations from 2005
The Impact of Whole Faculty Study Groups and Peer Observations on the Professional Learning Community, Kelvin Adams
The Relationship between the Cultural Competence of Counselor Supervisors and the Satisfaction with Supervision of their Supervisees, Walter Walter Breaux III
Teacher Perceptions of African-American Principal Leadership, Darlene Brown
How a Museum Exhibit Functions as a Literacy Event for Viewers, B. A. Chauvin
Teachers' Perceptions of Administrative Leadership Styles and Schools as Professional Learning Communities, Clive Coleman
Counselor Educators' Perceptions of the Gatekeeping Process, Jolie Ziomek Daigle
A Comparison of Microlab Discussions of Interpersonal Competencies and Corrective Feedback on Counselor Trainees' Defensiveness Levels, Christian Dean
The Impact of Accountability on School Dropouts: The Students' Voices, Shannon D'Hemecourt
Embedding Sensory Preferences into Toys to Enhance Toy Play in Toddlers with Disabilities, Cynthia DiCarlo
Student Perceptions of the Defining Aspects of a Mathematics Methods Course that Aided in the Development of a Conceptual Understanding of Mathematics, Patricia Edmiston
American Muslim School Leadership: Principal and Teacher Perspectives, Siham Elsegeiny
Beliefs of Board Certified Substance Abuse Counselors Regarding Selected Multiple Relationship Issues, Jennifer Kenney Hollander
A Value-Added Analysis of Teacher Effects on Student Achievement, Ellen Lusco
Principals' Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Alternatively Certified Teachers in New Orleans Public Schools, Jacquelyn Mahatha
The Relationship between Principals' Spiritual Attitudes and Transformational Leadership, LaTisha Dendy Meyer
Scholarship, Teaching, Service, and Supervision in Counselor Education: Faculty Members' Ratings of Importance, Jonathan Orr
The Experience of Wellness for Counselor Education Doctoral Students Who are Mothers, Latoya Pierce
How States are Meeting the Highly Qualified Teacher Component of NCLB, Jean Pinney
Part-time University Faculty Members: The Relationship between Environment and Satisfaction, Kyle Scafide
Alternatively Certified Teachers' Perceptions of Principal Support, Reina Bianca Heron Sorapuru
Counselor Trainees' Perceptions of Preparedness for Practicum Supervision, Jannette Sturm-Mexic
Fifth Graders' Interpretations when Reading Literary Works from Two Different Asian Cultures, Tadayuki Suzuki
Returning to School: Narratives of High School Leavers and How the General Equivalency Diploma Affects Financial Stability and Educational Opportunities, Lauren Tarantino
From TA to Faculty Member: The Socialization of Doctoral Completers, Leonard Williams
Characteristics of Effective Expert Witnesses in Rehabilitation Counseling, Crystal Younger
Dissertations from 2004
Under-Prepared College Students' Perceptions of the Impact of Technology Integration in a Developmental Reading Course, Deborah Darby
Essence and Meaning in Professional Development: The Writing Project Experience, Kenneth Farizo
A Case Study of Automotive Technology Instructors' Experiences and Perceptions of Curriculum Change in the Louisiana Technical College, John Robert Martin
Knowing in Childbirth, Jane Savage
Dissertations from 2003
University ESL Instructors' Perceptions and Use of Computer Technology in Teaching, Lili Bruess
Drug Testing in Schools: Attitudes of High School Students, Kimberly Mason
The Effects of Telephone Intervention on Arthritis Self-Efficacy, Depression, Pain and Fatigue in Older Adults with Arthritis, David Pariser
Juvenile Offenders' Perceptions of the Counseling Relationship, John Ryals
Using Mixed Methodology to Assess High Risk Sexual Behavior and Adult Stage among Bolivian Truck Drivers, William Sorensen
Personal Boundary Issues in Counselor-Client, Professor-Student, and Supervisor-Supervisee Relationships in Counseling, Mark Thornton
Dissertations from 2002
Virtual Fetal Pig Dissection As An Agent Of Knowledge Acquisition And Attitudinal Change In Female High School Biology Students, Rebecca Maloney