Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Forlorn Days, Anthony Kane
Here There Is No Place That Does Not See You, Carolyn B. Mikulencak
Lisbeth Salander Lost In Translation - An Exploration of the English Version of The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, Kajsa Paludan
Found Cairn, Megan E. Riley
The Music of Turbulence, Traci J. Rosenbaum
Invincible: Legacy and Propaganda in Superhero Comics, Natalie R. Sheppard
Just Off Elysian Fields, Woodlief A. Thomas
The Garden, Todd S. Trulock
Please Inside-Out This, Tara S. Waudby
Sometimes the Bear, Summer Wood
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
Leitmotif, Breiseus A. Ashford
Vampirism in Hawthorne’s “The Birthmark,” The Scarlet Letter, and “The Minister’s Black Veil”, Amanda D. Baudot
I Believe in My System, Guy Choate
"Little Things": Chekhov's Children and Discourse in the Comic Short Story, Rich W. Goode IV
Assimilation in Charles W. Chesnutt's Works, Mary C. Harris
A Birdhouse at the Bottom of the Ocean, Sarah C. Howze
Coyote Made Me, Whitney Mackman
Some New Place, Nicole Mayeux
Where Do We Go From Here? Multiliteracy and the Future of Narrative, Dustin W. McCrory
But, You're Just A Girl, Sasha McTee
Days of Forgetful Pirating and Other Stories, Daniel Morales
Critiquing Academic Culture with Satire through Lady Lazarus, A Fictional Biography, Amber R. Perry
Before, During, After, Kelly Rose
The Tween Ghost Story: Articulating the Tween Experience, Erica Rostedt
It's Good to See You're Awake, Maurice C. Ruffin
Fraser Fir, Josie A. Scanlan
Under the Pomegranate Tree, Aneela Shuja
And They Flew, Juli R. Van Brunt
Cupid's Victimization of the Renaissance Male, Wendy B. Withers
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
Come As You Are, As I Want You to Be: Grunge/Riot Grrrl Pedagogy and Identity Construction in the Second Year Writing Program, Rory J. Callais
The Snow Globe, Sara Crawford
Lost in Space No Longer: The Visionary Union of 'The Wire', Brett Dupré
Rendezvous: Stories and a Novella, Heath Fisher
Diary of a Gay Bride, Kelly M. Frankenberg
“All This Was My Life”: Constructing Textual Self-Identity in Diaries, Christie M. Jeansonne
Traumatic and Healing Memory in Leslie Marmon Silko's Ceremony and Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon, Ambata K. Kazi-Nance
“Man’s Country. Out Where the West Begins”: Women, the American Dream, and the West in Joan Didion’s Slouching Towards Bethlehem, Coleen Maidlow
What Was and When It Passes, Mark Petrie
The Persistence of Vengeance from Early Modern England to Postmodern New York, Dominic M. Sevieri
A Mandala of Hands, John Warner Smith
From Amber to Darkness, Courtney J. Spencer and Courtney Spencer
Gasland: The Rhetoric of Images in the New Media Landscape, Christopher T. Thaxton
“Bury Your Head Between My Knees and Seek Pardon”: Gender, Sexuality, and National Conflict in John Okada’s No-No Boy, Patricia A. Thomas
Cease Fire: One Woman's Search for Self in a Culture of War, Christine R. Wettlaufer Ph.D.
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Echoes of Laocoön's Warning in Letters from an American Farmer , Douglas Barry
Lily Bart and Isabel Archer: Women Free to Choose Lifestyles or Victims of Fate?, Heidi Elizabeth Braden
The Tripartite Tributaries of Ush, Alicia Cognevich
The Carnivalesque and the Grotesque in Elizabeth Bishop's Poetry, Renee Dombrowski
The French Chair, Roberta Grossi
The Restinga, Valerie Harbolovic
Simin Daneshvar's Savushun: Examining Gender Under Patriarchy, Yasaman Jahed
Navigating Heroines Between Scylla and Charybdis: Austen's Narrators, Katherine Johnson
"Wood Leoun" . . . "Crueel Tigre": Animal Imagery and Metaphor in "The Knight's Tale", Jennifer LaBurre
Home Abroad, Sheila Madary
Dark Consciousness: Theory of Mind and Henry James’s The Golden Bowl, Adam Maillet
Shifting Understandings of Imperialism: A Collision of Cultures in Starship Troopers and Ender's Game, Leon Perniciaro
Swift and Stewart: The Societal Background and Influence of Satirists in Turbulent Times, Jon Nathan Raby
The Journey to Manhood in Gaines' Bloodline, Shagun Rawat
"Against My Destiny": Reading an Italian Immigrant's Memoir in the Early 20th-century South, Bethany Santucci
Racism Recognized and the Reformation of the South in Ernest Gaines‘, La Toya Session
Transcendental Mirrors: Thoreau's Pond, Poe's Sea, and Melville's Ocean, Leslie Straight
A Cast of White Crabs, Jessica Suchanek
The King's Speech: A Rhetorical Analysis of Shakespeare's Henry IV, Part I, Chance Sweat
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Earthbound Humors: An Ecocritical Approach to Melancholy in As You Like It and Hamlet, Angela Brown
Importance of Medieval Numerology and the Effects Upon Meaning in the Works of the Gawain-Poet, Alessandra Cusimano
The Mythic Conquest of Time in Faulkner's Fiction, William M. David
Entropy in Two American Road Narratives, Sean Deskin
George Eliot's Middlemarch: The Making of a Modern Marriage, Katherine Marie Kelly
Hell On Earth: A Modern Day Inferno in Cormac McCarthy's The Road, Emily Lane
The Feminine Representation of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois in Langston Hughes' Not Without Laughter, Matthew Mosley
"The conceit of this inconstant stay": Shakespeare's Philosophical Conquest of Time Through Personification, Triche Roberson
Place Matters: An Evolutionary Approach to Annie Proulx's "The Half-Skinned Steer"and "Wamsutter Wolf", Erin Walker
Adolescent Transformation In the Short Stories of Carson McCullers, Ashley-Ann Dorn Woods
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Names, Violence, and the African American Vernacular in Richard Wright's The Outsider, Sarah Bailly
Medieval Feminine Humanism and Geoffrey Chaucer's Presentation of the Anti-Cecilia, Meghan Flewellyn
"Let heaven kiss earth!": The Function of Humanism and Animism in Shakespeare's Richard II and Henry IV, Parts I and II, Kathrin Kottemann
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Draumkvedet and the Medieval English Dream Vision: A Study of Genre, Christian Carlsen
Otherness and Assimilation: The Poetry of Double-consciousness in the Works of Charles Simic, Marilyn Chin, and Susan Atefat-Peckham, Katherine Kidder
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Gendered Representations of Jazz Vocal Artists: A Critical Discourse Analysis of CD and Performance Reviews, and Interviews, Miroslava Jichova
Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales: Rhetoric and Gender in Marriage, Andrea Marcotte
Slapstick Carnage: The Absurd Universe of Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian, James Marler
Individuation and the Demeter-Persephone Myth in Charlotte Bronte's Shirley, Kristin Voss
Theses/Dissertations from 2006
(Re)Building Cultural, Community, and Academic Identity: Freshman Composition After Katrina, Russo Celeste Del
These People are Not Your People: Class Conflict and Ideology in Faulkner's Sanctuary, Elizabeth Shaye Hope
Guilty Pleasures: Narrative Craft and Mass Appeal in the Newgate Calendar, Aimee Rust
Theses/Dissertations from 2005
Neil Gaiman's American Gods: An Outsider's Critique of American Culture, Mark Hill
Theses/Dissertations from 2004
Critical Discourse Analysis of Sexual Enhancement Medication Ads, John-Paul Gomez
The Acquisition of the English Present Perfect by a Speaker of Brazilian Portuguese, Eleomarques Rocha
Theses/Dissertations from 2003
As Runs the Deer, Mignon Fahr
Theses/Dissertations from 1996
Potentiality in Lorenzo Da Ponte's Don Giovanni, James Ortego