Ocean Waves Workshop 2013
The 2013 Ocean Waves Workshop was held on Thursday, February 28, 2013, 9:00 - 4:00, at the Lindy Boggs International Conference Center, University of New Orleans.
Workshop Goals:
- Explore recent advances in using wave information to support operations.
- Share & discuss lessons learned and scenarios encountered that relate to wave forces.
- Provide a forum for scientists, engineers, and managers to explore the issues relevant to ocean waves.
Suggested citation:
Nichols, C. R. and R. G. Williams (Eds.). 2013. Proceedings of Ocean Waves Workshop. New Orleans, LA: University of New Orleans. Available online. URL: http://scholarworks.uno.edu/oceanwaves/2013
The Ocean Waves Workshop is dedicated to the memory of Theodore Robert Mettlach (1951-2011).
Browse the contents of Ocean Waves Workshop 2013:
- Introduction: A Touch of History - Lake Pontchartrain and the Higgins Boat
- Session 1 - Use of wave measurements to save lives and protect property
- Session 2 - Development of wave modeling framework to support operations
- Session 3 - Recent advances and issues in wave buoy technologies
- Session 4 - Accessibility of wave information for scientists, engineers, and managers