This session will describe the use of sensors such as accelerometers and inclinometers to measure the heave accelerations and the vertical displacements of wave buoys, which are then converted to wave parameters. Participants will discuss data processing, transmission, and display, and some analysis. The following paper and extended abstracts provide information on the latest mooring components and devices such as acoustic Doppler current profilers which complement wave buoys.
Session 3 - Presentation, Abstracts, and Notes

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Thursday, February 28th
12:45 PM

Session 3 Presentation - Circular-Slide Wave Energy Converter

H. Ming Chen, ChenDel Consulting
Donald R. DelBalzo, Marine Information Resources Corporation

12:45 PM - 1:15 PM

1:30 PM

Session 3 Notes

Elena van Roggen, Marine Information Resources Corporation
Robert G. Williams, Marine Information Resources Corporation

1:30 PM - 2:00 PM