Ocean Waves Workshop 2015

The 2015 Ocean Waves Workshop was held on Thursday, January 15, 2015, 9:00 - 4:00, at the Oliver St. Pé Center, University of New Orleans.

Workshop Goals:

  • Explore recent advances in using wave information to assess sediment transport.
  • Share & discuss lessons learned and scenarios encountered that relate to waves, tides, storm surge, and nearshore currents.
  • Provide a forum for scientists, engineers, and managers to explore the issues relevant to waves.

Suggested citation: Nichols, C. R. (Ed.) 2015. Proceedings of Ocean Waves Workshop. New Orleans, LA: University of New Orleans. Available online. URL: http://scholarworks.uno.edu/oceanwaves/2015

Workshop Schedule

Browse the contents of Ocean Waves Workshop 2015:

Introduction and Opening Comments
Session 1 - Use of wave information in support of marine operations
Session 2 - Recent Developments in wave modeling with applications for operations
Session 3 - Advances and issues in wave measurement technologies
Session 4 - Accessibility of wave information for scientists, engineers, and managers