Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Summa, Christopher

Second Advisor

Tu, Shengru

Third Advisor

Rick, Steven


Computational methods of analyzing, simulating, and modeling proteins are essential towards understanding protein structure and its interactions. Computational methods are easier as not all protein structures can be determined experimentally due to the inherent difficultly of working with some proteins. In order to predict, design, analyze, simulate or model a protein, data from experimentally determined proteins such as those located in the repository of the Protein Data Bank (PDB) are essential. The assumption here is that we can use pieces of known proteins to piece together a "new" protein hence, de novo protein design. The analysis of the geometric relationships between secondary structure elements in proteins can be extremely useful to protein prediction, analysis, and de novo design. This thesis project involves creating a database of protein secondary structure elements and geometric information for rapid protein assembly, de novo protein design, prediction and analysis.


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