Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Wang, Guijun

Second Advisor

Trudell, Mark T.

Third Advisor

Jursic, Branko S.

Fourth Advisor

Sankanarayanan, Anantha


Low molecular weight gelators (LMWGs) have gained much attention over the last few decades, because of their ability to form supramolecular architectures as well as their many potential applications in biomedical research and as advanced materials. Most of the gelators were discovered through serendipity, and their structural requirements are somewhat ambiguous. This is due, in part, to the fact that the supramolecular gelation phenomenon is not yet fully understood, though many structural classes have been found to be excellent organogelators. Carbohydrates are abundant natural resources that are useful in preparing advanced materials. We have previously showed that monosaccharide derivatives can form effective low molecular weight gelators for both organic solvents and aqueous mixtures. In this research, we have studied the gelation capability of several glucosamine derivatives. Several series of 4,6-O-acetal protected glucosamine derivatives were synthesized and screened for their gelation properties in several solvents.


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