Date of Award

Summer 8-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering


Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering

Major Professor

Brandon M. Taravella

Second Advisor

Lothar Birk

Third Advisor

Xiaochuan (Vincent) Yu


In this study, the hydrodynamic performance of anguilliform swimming motion is computed using Morison’s equation. This method was shown to predict the servo motor torques well. The anguilliform swimming motion is sinusoidal with increasing amplitude from head to tail. A “wakeless” swimming motion proposed by Vorus and Taravella (2011) with zero net circulation is considered.

This method is compared to the existing slender body theory and is validated with reference to the experimental results of NEELBOT-1.1 (Potts, 2015). The results for the study indicates that self-propulsion speed of the motion is independent of the oscillating tail amplitude at a constant advance ratio. At a constant wave speed, the self-propulsion speed attains a local maximum at an advance ratio of 0.5. Where the nominal length is equal to half the wavelength.


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