Date of Award
Fall 12-2018
Degree Type
Degree Name
Degree Program
Computer Science
Computer Science
Major Professor
Second Advisor
Third Advisor
Cybersecurity is an important strategic areas of computer science, and a difficult discipline to teach effectively. To enhance and provide effective teaching and meaningful learning, we develop and assess two pedagogical tools: Peer instruction, and Concept Maps. Peer instruction teaching methodology has shown promising results in core computer science courses by reducing failure rates and improving student retention in computer science major. Concept maps are well-known technique for improving student-learning experience in class. This thesis document presents the results of implementing and evaluating the peer instruction in a semester-long cybersecurity course, i.e., introduction to computer security. Development and evaluation of concept maps for two cybersecurity courses: SCADA security systems, and digital forensics. We assess the quality of the concept maps using two well-defined techniques: Waterloo rubric, and topological scoring. Results clearly shows that overall concept maps are of high-quality and there is significant improvement in student learning gain during group-discussion.
Recommended Citation
Deshpande, Pranita, "Assessment Of Two Pedagogical Tools For Cybersecurity Education" (2018). University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. 2557.
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