Date of Award

Fall 12-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program




Major Professor

Dr. Daniel Doll

Second Advisor

Dr. Anne Boyd Rioux

Third Advisor

Dr. Leslie White


In my research, I will examine James Joyce’s Dubliners as a collection of stories that is unified by an ongoing theme; escape or the desire to escape. In the collection, the want or need to escape serves a major purpose throughout the characters and their lives. This thesis explores five stories that share this theme in particular: “The Sisters,” “Eveline,” “Araby,” “An Encounter,” and “The Dead.” Each story will be discussed in the context of how each story progresses from a want to an actual escape. In addition, the thesis also considers how these stories exhibit a progression towards isolation and paralysis in the living until the final story, “The Dead.” “The Dead” can be interpreted as a positive, hopeful ending to the bleak collection, but I will argue its ending is anything but optimistic along with its crucial role as a conclusion to Dubliners.


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