Date of Award

Fall 12-2018

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Civil Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Major Professor

Hajra, Malay Ghose

Second Advisor

Kulp, Mark

Third Advisor

Tschirky, Paul


To combat the rapid degradation of the Louisiana coast, the Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority has planned strategic land building initiatives throughout the Louisiana Gulf coast, including beach nourishment and marsh creation projects. It is commonly agreed that the state lacks sufficient renewable sediment resources to maintain the planned CPRA land building program. However, Louisiana, the state that commonly ranks last in state recycling percentage, recycles an estimated 0.6% of the waste glass consumed in the state. Glass is predominantly silica sand. This thesis evaluates laboratory‑determined characteristics of recycled crushed glass cullet to assess its suitability as a renewable aggregate for beach nourishment and marsh creation projects. Specifically, the research herein evaluates geotechnical and settling characteristics of recycled crushed glass cullet produced in Pearl River, Louisiana. Additionally, this research evaluates the effects on beach nourishment and marsh creation design parameters of blending this material with Gulf coastal sediments.


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