Date of Award

Spring 5-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor

Cheryl Hayes

Second Advisor

Kathy Rodriguez

Third Advisor

Anthony Campbell


Through sculpture and drawing, I create my own versions of natural specimens primarily based upon the visual unity of disparate organisms. Invented specimens are composed using a variety of processes employing a mixture of atypical materials following the (20th, 21st century) Postmodern shift away from formalist and traditional uses of any singular medium. As well as a variety of art materials, the specimens are hybrids of organic and biomorphic elements, blurring boundaries between botanical, animal, fungal, metal, and mineral. Is my approach perhaps like Charles Darwin, observant and studious naturalist, or am I more like Dr. Frankenstein, science fiction maker of monstrosities?


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