Date of Award

Fall 12-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Computer Science


Computer Science

Major Professor

Dr. Adlai DePano

Second Advisor

Dr. Ben Samuel

Third Advisor

Dr. Vassil Roussev

Fourth Advisor

Prof. Matthew Toups


This is a study of the impacts of the incorporation, into certain points of the Computer Science degree program at the University of New Orleans, of Course Management software with an Autograding component. The software in question, developed at Carnegie Mellon University, is called “Autolab.” We begin by dissecting Autolab in order to gain an understanding of its inner workings. We can then take out understanding of its functionality and apply that to an examination of fundamental changes to courses in the time since they incorporated the software. With that, we then compare Drop, Failure, Withdrawal rate data from before and after the introduction of Autolab. With this collection of data, we can conclude, to a certain extent, that Autolab has had a negligible impact on course outcomes, but a measurable impact on course structure and pedagogy as well as improved quality of life for students and professors, alike.


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