Date of Award

Fall 12-2019

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Film and Theatre


Film and Theatre

Major Professor

John Overton

Second Advisor

Henry Griffin

Third Advisor

Kevin McLin


This paper will detail the making of The Marked, exploring from concept to completion, with special focus on creating a dystopian, science fiction, film with an element of fantasy. I will begin by examining my inspirations. Next, I will explore preproduction, examining screenwriting, casting, location scouting, production, and preparation. Part three will look at production, focusing on directing, production design, cinematography, and on-set operations. Part four will examine post production, including, editing, color correction, sound design, and music. Each element of production will be evaluated to determine if they helped successfully create a believable, dystopian, fantasy story for the viewer. I will also be examining whether the themes I originally sought to explore come across in the film.


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