Date of Award

Spring 5-2020

Degree Type


Degree Name


Degree Program

Fine Arts


Fine Arts

Major Professor

Kathy Rodriguez

Second Advisor

Anthony Campbell

Third Advisor

Anna Mecugni


My work functions as a spiritual and philosophical inquiry, adapting ideas from a broad variety of sources, from the mythic and literary, to the autobiographical. I seek to harmonize paradoxical elements in service of higher knowledge and consciousness. Genealogical explorations of my unusual familial heritage have provided me with a wealth of photographs, religious and cultural motifs, and conceptual material. I view this personal examination as an idiosyncratic path to the universal, the limbs of my family tree branching through time and space to intertwine with the whole of history. Combining both ancient and modern traditions, I create esoteric liminal spaces in my paintings as a means of arriving closer to a truth that unfolds beyond the reach of material reality. I view my task as a mystical one, a divine, even futile, attempt to make work that serves as a vehicle to the other shore of human consciousness.


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Included in

Art Practice Commons
