Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Degree Program
Creative Writing
Major Professor
Richard Goodman
Second Advisor
Randolph Bates
Third Advisor
Anne Boyd Rioux
What makes a man a king? And what makes an American King? In a country with no formal hierarchy, the author identifies four distinctly American icons that have since been deemed with the moniker “king”—Elvis Presley, White Jesus, Walt Disney, and Michael Jackson—and attempts to discover what their lives, their bodies, their innovations, their artistry, and their very desires say about the United States’ culture as a whole. The author also uses these kings to explore her own relationship to men, as well as her relationship with the country she lives in.
Recommended Citation
Garcia, Lauren E., "American Kings" (2020). University of New Orleans Theses and Dissertations. 2741.
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